
Introducing "A Path to Providence"

The Laudable Pursuit Press is pleased to announce the release of, A Path to Providence: The Creation of the Middle Chamber Program.

This exciting and informative work is by M.W. P. Shaun Bradshaw, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, AF & AM, and Wor. Benjamin G. Wallace.

About the book:

Providence, Synchronicity, God’s Plan. Whatever you call it, the Universe brings people, ideas, and circumstances together for great purpose. For the authors, this story is a perfect example of Providence working in our lives toward some great purpose.

For years, the leadership in the Grand Lodge of North Carolina has placed significant emphasis on the role of education to improve the administration, finances, and culture (tone) of the meetings in its subordinate lodges. The Wilkerson College Program came first, an intensive set of leadership workshops open to Deacons of the lodges, spanning three weekends with a curriculum covering everything from the history of the fraternity, to preparing budgets for the lodges, to planning a year’s worth of Masonic events. Next came the Davie Leadership Academy. These workshops were open to any Master Mason and covered a variety of topics relevant to our members. The most recent addition to the list of outstanding educational initiatives is the Middle Chamber Program.

Each of these educational programs are wonderful and rightly deserve attention, but this book’s focus is the Middle Chamber Program. Multiple elements make this program unique. It’s an in-person, instructor led course that focuses on the esoteric aspects of the Craft’s rituals and symbols. This program is also fully sanctioned by the leadership of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina and administered through the Committee on Masonic Education.

In preparing this story, it’s worthwhile to understand how this book originated. For those involved in developing the idea, the curriculum, the schedule, and the logistics of the program, the story wrote itself. As roadblocks emerged, Providence provided an alternate route. Seeing the enthusiasm from the brethren who have attended the classes, as well as the excitement of brethren outside the Jurisdiction who have learned about this program, it seemed natural to document, not just what the program is and how other Grand Lodges can implement something similar for themselves, but equally important to convey how it came to be. That’s the purpose of this book: to tell this story because it’s important to share how Providence works in our lives and how we are called to duty to act through our own free will when aligned with the will of Deity.

We hope our brethren will find inspiration in this book to pursue their esoteric journey through the Craft and expand those learnings into similar programs within their lodges and Grand Jurisdictions throughout the United States. As Bro. Shaun is fond of saying, “Each one, teach one.” At some point in the near future, it’s our sincere hope every lodge will have at least one brother who’s on the path to understand the esoteric workings of the degrees so when a new member joins the lodge, one who has an interest and desire to learn that aspect of our Craft, that brother can take him by the hand and lead him on this wonderful journey.

Sincerely & Fraternally,

P. Shaun Bradshaw & Benjamin G. Wallace

Available now through The Laudable Pursuit Book Store, and wherever fine books are sold.

Introducing "Alchemically Stoned- The Psychedelic Secret of Freemasonry"

In celebration of the 300th anniversary of modern Freemasonry, The Laudable Pursuit Press is proud to present Brother P.D. Newman's groundbreaking work Alchemically Stoned- The Psychedelic Secret of Freemasonry

"P.D. Newman's bold and daring theory provides a radical interpretation of Masonic symbolism. In the tradition of Wasson, Hofmann and Ruck, in The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries (1978), and Heinrich's Strange Fruit: Alchemy, Religion, and Magical Foods (1995), Newman suggests that practical psychoactive pharmacology, rather than philosophy, lies concealed in the root of some of our allegories and mysteries. Admitting to being more than a mere theoretician, Newman draws from his own personal experiences, and a wide range of sources, in presenting his theory in a logical manner, which merits consideration. "

- Arturo De Hoyos, 33* 
Grand Archivist and Grand Historian
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction

"In this sensational new book, P.D. Newman argues that the use of DMT was an essential ingredient in certain Masonic Rites, especially Cagliostro’s Egyptian Rite and Melissino’s Rite, something that added to the overall ritualistic experience. These lost rites of the eighteenth century are something that I’m deeply interested in, and the idea that certain rites included the digestion or smoking of the root extracts of a certain species of acacia that had hallucinogenic properties to produce an effect in a particular ‘lodge’ room is a fascinating one. Newman’s work details the use of DMT in various initiation rituals throughout history and provides an argument for his theory that is at once convincing, entertaining and interesting.

The sprig of acacia is a strong symbol within Freemasonry, and Newman presents us with a new twist on the meaning behind this symbol. Newman also presents us with the history of the acacia symbol within Freemasonry, from its mention in eighteenth century exposes, and how during the third degree, it became an essential ingredient in the Master Mason ritual, perhaps in more ways than one."

-Dr. David Harrison
Author of The Genesis of Freemasonry

Here is a lecture that Bro. Newman gave regarding some of the ideas and topics contained in the book:


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