Nathaniel P. Warren

Nathaniel Patrick Warren, aged thirty six years, resides in Norman, Oklahoma with his wife of twelve years, Lisa Warren.  

Nate is a member of Lodge Veritas 556 in Norman, Oklahoma. Lodge Veritas is one of three traditional observance lodges in Oklahoma.  Nate is also a member of the Valley of Guthrie, AASR Southern Jurisdiction.

Nate has a strong love for ritual, both in daily living and esoteric Masonic work.  He takes joy in enriching his understanding of the universe and Masonry by way of contemplating the mysteries which motivated the past greats to form our rich cultures.  In addition, Nate feels a strong call to service, both to the community and to the academic world.  He labors to be a leader of men whether it be in philosophy, virtue, or the community in which he is immersed.  Love of man’s potential and the triumph of human spirit inspire Nate to seek greatness daily despite the shortcomings of being inherently fallible.  Nate desires to hone his will and mind to that of the warrior’s; and holds himself as the responsible party who keeps the wolf from the flock during the darkness of night.